Powerfone Communication Pty Ltd is 4801 accredited and is committed to conducting its business in a manner that delivers leading work, health and safety performance. Powerfone’s Work, Health and Safety Plan is in accordance with the requirements of the Work, Health and Safety Act 2012 and the Return to Work SA Act 2014 and other state/territory specific Workers Compensation Schemes legislation.
Our goals are to provide services that are safe and environmentally sound throughout their lifecycles, conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner, and create health and safety practices and work environments that enables us to work injury free.
To accomplish this, we will;
- Meet or exceed all applicable legal requirements.
- Proactively reduce work injury and illness risks wherever we work and promote employee health and well-being.
- Require our vendors & subcontractors to conduct their operations in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
We achieve this high level of performance by integrating these objectives into our business planning, decision making, performance tracking and governance processes to ensure we achieve our goals and continually improve upon them.
Each employee has an individual responsibility to understand and support our work, health and safety policies and to actively participate in programs to ensure our goals are achieved.
We believe our company must work with employees, vendors, partners, customers and government and non-government organisations to protect and enhance work, health and safety. We promote open dialogue with our stakeholders to share relevant information and contribute to business activities.
- Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (WHS Act)
- Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012
- SA Return to Work Act 2014 (and associated Regulations)
This WHS Plan shall be reviewed by Powerfone at a minimum each year of issue date, (or on significant change to legislation or aspects included in this policy that could affect Health and Safety.
WHS Officer
Powerfone Communications Pty Ltd